We will now make a few assumptions that will simplify the proof of Wigner's theorem. The first is that the Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ is separable. This means that there exists a countable, orthonormal basis $\{|e_j\rangle\}_{j=1}^{\infty}.$ This is a standard assumption in quantum theory. We will also assume that the symmetry transform $S$ is bijective — i.e., that it can be inverted on $\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{H})$. This is the case for elements of symmetry groups, which are of most fundamental interest. Put simply: if your symmetry is rotating a system by 90$^{\circ},$ you can equally well rotate it back.
As a matter of notation, maps acting on $\mathcal{H}$ will henceforth be denoted with hats — for example $\hat{M}$ — and the induced maps on $\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{H})$ will be denoted without hats. So if $\hat{M}$ is an operator mapping $\mathcal{H}$ to itself, then $M : \mathbb{P}(\mathcal{H}) \rightarrow \mathbb{P}(\mathcal{H})$ is defined by
To start, we fix a countable orthonormal basis $\{|e_j\rangle\}$, and ask, "what does $S$ do to $[|e_j\rangle]$?" We know it maps to some equivalence class of states in $\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{H})$; let $|\chi_j\rangle$ be an arbitrary unit vector in that equivalence class, so that we have
Since $S$ is a symmetry transform, we have
$$|\langle \chi_j | \chi_k \rangle|^2 = |\langle e_j | e_k \rangle|^2 = \delta_{jk},$$
so the set $|\chi_j\rangle$ is orthonormal. Because $S$ is invertible, we also know that $\{\chi_j\}$ forms a basis — for any $|\psi\rangle \in \mathcal{H}$, we can pick a unit vector $|\phi \rangle$ in $S^{-1}([|\psi\rangle]),$ and write
$$\langle \phi | \phi \rangle = \sum_j |\langle \phi | e_j \rangle|^2 = \langle \phi | \phi \rangle \sum_j T(|\phi\rangle, |e_j\rangle).$$
Applying the symmetry transform, and using $S([|\phi\rangle]) = [|\psi\rangle]$, we obtain
$$1 = \sum_j T(|\psi\rangle, | \chi_j\rangle) = \frac{\langle \psi | (\sum_j |\chi_j\rangle \langle \chi_j|) \psi\rangle}{\langle \psi | \psi \rangle}.$$
This equality can only hold for all vectors $|\psi\rangle \in \mathcal{H}$ if $\sum_j |\chi_j\rangle\langle\chi_j|$ acts as the identity on $\mathcal{H}$, i.e., if $\{|\chi_j\rangle\}$ is a basis.
Now, let $\hat{U}$ be the unitary operator on $\mathcal{H}$ that acts as $\hat{U} |\chi_j\rangle = |e_j\rangle$. The map $U \circ S$ on $\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{H})$ is a symmetry transform that acts as the identity on the set $\{[|e_j\rangle]\}$. It is not, however, necessarily the identity transform; while $U \circ S$ acts as the identity on $[|e_j\rangle],$ it does not necessarily act as the identity on general states $[\sum_j c_j |e_j\rangle].$ So we seek a unitary or antiunitary operator $V$ so that $V^{-1} \circ U \circ S$ fixes all equivalence classes of linear combinations of $\{|e_j\rangle\}$ vectors. We will start with two simple sets of equivalence classes:
$$[|\alpha_j \rangle] = \left[ \frac{|e_j\rangle + |e_{j+1}\rangle}{\sqrt{2}}\right]$$
$$[|\beta_j \rangle] = \left[ \frac{|e_j\rangle - i |e_{j+1}\rangle}{\sqrt{2}}\right].$$
The transition amplitudes of these equivalence classes with each other and with $[|e_j\rangle]$ are given by:
$$T([|e_k\rangle], [|\alpha_j\rangle]) = T([|e_k\rangle], [|\beta_j\rangle]) = \frac{\delta_{k,j} + \delta_{k,j+1}}{2}, \tag{1}$$
$$T([|\alpha_k\rangle], [|\beta_j\rangle]) = \frac{2 \delta_{k, j} + \delta_{k, j+1} + \delta_{k, j-1}}{4}, \tag{2}$$
$$T([|\alpha_k\rangle], [|\alpha_j\rangle]) = T([|\beta_k\rangle], [|\beta_j\rangle]) = \frac{4 \delta_{k, j} + \delta_{k, j+1} + \delta_{k, j-1}}{4}. \tag{3}$$
Since $U \circ S$ is a symmetry transform, it must keep all of these amplitudes fixed. This is quite restrictive! In particular, if $|\alpha_j'\rangle$ is a unit vector in the equivalence class $(U \circ S)([|\alpha_j\rangle])$, then because $(U \circ S)$ fixes $[|e_j\rangle]$, equation (1) implies that $|\alpha_j'\rangle$ can be decomposed as
$$|\alpha_j'\rangle = \frac{z |e_j\rangle + w |e_{j+1}\rangle}{\sqrt{2}}$$
with $|z| = |w| = 1.$ Since the choice of unit vector $|\alpha_j'\rangle$ within the class is arbitrary up to a phase, we might as well choose the global phase so that we can write $|\alpha_j'\rangle$ as
$$|\alpha_j'\rangle = \frac{|e_j\rangle + e^{i \omega_j} |e_{j+1}\rangle}{\sqrt{2}}.$$
Similarly, one can show there exists a unit vector $|\beta_j'\rangle$ in the equivalence class $(U \circ S)([|\beta_j\rangle])$ with decomposition
$$|\beta_j'\rangle = \frac{|e_j\rangle + e^{i \zeta_j} |e_{j+1} \rangle}{\sqrt{2}}.$$
The transition amplitudes of these states with one another are
$$T([|\alpha_k'\rangle], [|\alpha_j'\rangle]) = T([|\beta_k'\rangle], [|\beta_j'\rangle]) = \frac{4 \delta_{k, j} + \delta_{k, j+1} + \delta_{k, j-1}}{4}, \tag{4}$$
$$T([|\alpha_k' \rangle], [|\beta_j'\rangle]) = \frac{2(1 + \cos(\zeta_j - \omega_k)) \delta_{k, j} + \delta_{k,j+1} + \delta_{k, j-1}}{4}. \tag{5}$$
Equation (4) is already consistent with equation (3); but in order for equation (5) to be consistent with equation (2), we must have $\zeta_j = \omega_j \pm \pi/2 \mod 2 \pi.$
A priori, it looks like the signs in these $\pi/2$ constants are independent for the different values of $j$; for example, we could have $\zeta_1 = \omega_1 + \pi/2$ and $\zeta_2 = \omega_2 - \pi/2.$ This is actually not the case! Suppose, toward contradiction, that for some fixed $j$ we have $\zeta_j = \omega_j + \pi/2$ and $\zeta_{j+1} = \omega_{j+1} - \pi/2.$ (For completeness we would need to also check the case $\zeta_j = \omega_j - \pi/2$ and $\zeta_{j+1} = \omega_{j+1} + \pi/2,$ but the argument is the same.) Fix then a vector
$$|v\rangle = a |e_{j}\rangle + b |e_{j+1}\rangle + c |e_{j+2}\rangle$$
with $|a|^2 + |b|^2 + |c|^2 = 1.$ Fix also a unit vector $|v'\rangle$ in $(U \circ S)([|v\rangle]).$ The transition amplitudes of $|v\rangle$ with $|e_j\rangle, |\alpha_j\rangle,$ and $|\beta_j\rangle$ are
$$T([|v\rangle], [|e_k\rangle]) = |a|^2 \delta_{k, j} + |b|^2 \delta_{k, j+1} + |c|^2 \delta_{k, j+2},$$
$$T([|v\rangle], [|\alpha_k\rangle]) = \frac{|a + b|^2 \delta_{k, j} + |b + c|^2 \delta_{k, j+1} + |c|^2 \delta_{k, j+2} + |a|^2 \delta_{k, j-1}}{2}, \tag{6}$$
$$T([|v\rangle], [|\beta_k\rangle]) = \frac{|a + i b|^2 \delta_{k, j} +
|b + i c|^2 \delta_{k, j+1} + |c|^2 \delta_{k, j+2} + |a|^2 \delta_{k,
j-1}}{2}. \tag{7}$$
The first of these equations implies that, after redefining $|v'\rangle$ by a global phase, we may write
$$|v'\rangle = a e^{i \rho} |e_{j} \rangle + b |e_{j+1}\rangle + c e^{i \tau} |e_{j+2} \rangle.$$
The transition amplitudes of this state with $|\alpha_k'\rangle$ and $|\beta_k'\rangle$ are
$$T([|v'\rangle], [|\alpha'_k\rangle]) = \frac{|a + b e^{-i (\rho + \omega_k)}|^2 \delta_{k, j} + |b + c e^{i(\tau - \omega_k)}|^2 \delta_{k, j+1} + |c|^2 \delta_{k, j+2} + |a|^2 \delta_{k, j-1}}{2},\tag{8}$$
$$T([|v'\rangle], [|\beta'_k\rangle]) = \frac{|a + b e^{-i (\rho +
\zeta_k)}|^2 \delta_{k, j} + |b + c e^{i(\tau - \zeta_k)}|^2 \delta_{k, j+1} + |c|^2
\delta_{k, j+2} + |a|^2 \delta_{k, j-1}}{2}. \tag{9}$$
Consistency of these equations with (6) and (7) imposes $|a + b| = |a + b e^{-i (\rho + \omega_j)}|,$ $|b + c| = |b + c e^{i (\tau - \omega_{j+1})}|,$ $|a + i b| = |a + b e^{- i (\rho + \zeta_j)}|,$ and $|b + i c| = |b + c e^{i (\tau - \zeta_{j+1})}|.$ Putting in our assumption $\zeta_j = \omega_j + \pi/2$ and $\zeta_{j+1} = \omega_{j+1} - \pi/2$, we obtain the equations
$$|a + b| = |a + b e^{- i (\rho + \omega_j)}|,$$
$$|a + i b| = |a - i b e^{- i (\rho + \omega_j)}|,$$
$$|b + c| = |b + c e^{i (\tau - \omega_{j+1})}|,$$
$$|b + i c| = |b + i c e^{i (\tau -\omega_{j+1})}|.$$
With a bit of manipulation, one can show these equations imply $\tau = \omega_{j+1}$ and $a b^* = a^* b e^{- i (\rho + \omega_j)}.$ With a different set of constants
$$|\tilde{v}\rangle = \tilde{a} |e_j\rangle + \tilde{b} |e_{j+1}\rangle + \tilde{c} |e_{j+2}\rangle$$
and a vector $|\tilde{v}'\rangle$ in $(U \circ S)([|\tilde{v}\rangle])$ given by
$$|\tilde{v}'\rangle = \tilde{a} e^{i \tilde{\rho}} |e_j\rangle + \tilde{b} |e_{j+1}\rangle + \tilde{c} e^{i \tilde{\tau}} |e_{j+2}\rangle,$$
the condition $|\langle v | \tilde{v} \rangle|^2 = |\langle v' | \tilde{v}' \rangle|^2$ gives
$$a^* \tilde{a} = a^* \tilde{a} e^{i(\tilde{\rho} - \rho)},$$
where we have used $\tau = \tilde{\tau} = \omega_{j+1}.$ But this equation is inconsistent with $a b^* = a^* b e^{- i (\rho + \omega_j)}$ and $\tilde{a} \tilde{b}^* = \tilde{a}^* \tilde{b} e^{- i (\tilde{\rho} + \omega_j)}.$ For example, if we choose $a$ to be nonzero and real, $b$ to be nonzero and purely imaginary, and $\tilde{a}$ and $\tilde{b}$ to be nonzero and real, then we obtain
$$1 = e^{i(\tilde{\rho} - \rho)},$$
$$-1 = e^{- i (\rho + \omega_j)},$$
$$1 = e^{- i(\tilde{\rho} + \omega_j)}.$$
But these expressions are inconsistent; in order for them to be true, we would need $\tilde{\rho} = \rho,$ $\rho = \pi - \omega_j,$ and $\tilde{\rho} = - \omega_j$ to all be simultaneously true mod $2\pi$; this is impossible. So, at the end of this fairly lengthy paragraph, we find that the sign in the expression $\zeta_j = \omega_j \pm \pi/2$ is $j$-independent.
To recap, we have shown now that for any symmetry transform $S$, there is a unitary operator $\hat{U}$ on $\mathcal{H}$ such that $(U \circ S)$ satisfies
$$(U \circ S)([|e_j\rangle]) = [|e_j\rangle], \tag{10}$$
$$(U \circ S)\left(\left[ \frac{|e_j\rangle + |e_{j+1}\rangle}{\sqrt{2}} \right]\right) = \left[ \frac{|e_j\rangle + e^{i \omega_j} |e_{j+1}\rangle}{\sqrt{2}} \right] \tag{11},$$
\circ S)\left(\left[ \frac{|e_j\rangle - i |e_{j+1}\rangle}{\sqrt{2}}
\right]\right) = \left[ \frac{|e_j\rangle \pm i e^{i \omega_j}
|e_{j+1}\rangle}{\sqrt{2}} \right], \tag{12}$$
where the choice of plus or minus sign isn't up to us — it depends on the particular symmetry transform $S$ — but is $j$-independent.
Now, let $\hat{V}$ be a map on $\mathcal{H}$ that maps $|e_j\rangle$ to $\exp\left[i \sum_{k=1}^{j} \omega_k\right] |e_j\rangle.$ If equation (10) holds with the minus sign, then we extend $V$ to all of $\mathcal{H}$ linearly and it becomes a unitary operator. If equation (12) holds with the plus sign, then we extend $\hat{V}$ to $\mathcal{H}$ antilinearly and it becomes an anti-unitary operator. In either case, we have
$$V([|e_j\rangle]) = \left[\exp\left[i \sum_{k=1}^j \omega_k \right] |e_j\rangle \right] = [|e_j\rangle],$$
$$V\left(\left[ \frac{|e_j\rangle + |e_{j+1}\rangle}{\sqrt{2}} \right]\right) = \left[\exp\left[i \sum_{k=1}^{j} \omega_k \right] \frac{|e_j \rangle + e^{i \omega_{j+1}} |e_{j+1} \rangle}{\sqrt{2}} \right] = \left[ \frac{|e_j \rangle + e^{i \omega_{j+1}} |e_{j+1} \rangle}{\sqrt{2}} \right],$$
$$V\left(\left[ \frac{|e_j\rangle - i |e_{j+1}\rangle}{\sqrt{2}} \right]\right) = \left[\exp\left[i \sum_{k=1}^{j} \omega_k \right] \frac{|e_j \rangle \mp i e^{i \omega_{j+1}} |e_{j+1} \rangle}{\sqrt{2}} \right] = \left[ \frac{|e_j \rangle \mp i e^{i \omega_{j+1}} |e_{j+1} \rangle}{\sqrt{2}} \right],$$
where in this last equation the minus sign arises when $V$ is linear, and the plus sign arises when $V$ is antilinear. Combining these equations with (10), (11), and (12), we see that the symmetry transform $V^{-1} \circ U \circ S$ fixes the equivalence classes $[|e_j\rangle],$ $[(|e_j\rangle + |e_{j+1}\rangle)/\sqrt{2}],$ and $[(|e_j\rangle - i |e_{j+1}\rangle)/\sqrt{2}]$ in $\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{H}).$ This turns out to be enough to imply that it acts as the identity on $\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{H})$!
To see this, let $|\psi\rangle = \sum_{j} c_j |e_j\rangle$ be an arbitrary unit vector in $\mathcal{H},$ and let $|\psi'\rangle$ be a unit vector in the equivalence class $(V^{-1} \circ U \circ S)([|\psi\rangle]).$ As in all of our previous examples, the fact that $V^{-1} \circ U \circ S$ preserves the classes $[|e_j\rangle]$ implies $|\langle e_j | \psi \rangle|^2 = |\langle e_j | \psi' \rangle|^2$, which implies
$$|\psi'\rangle = \sum_{j} c_j e^{i \phi_j} |e_j\rangle.$$
The preservation of the transition amplitudes of $|\psi\rangle$ with $(|e_j\rangle + |e_{j+1}\rangle)/\sqrt{2}$ implies
$$|c_j + c_{j+1}| = |c_{j} + c_{j+1}e^{i(\phi_{j+1} - \phi_j)}|,$$
and preservation of transition amplitudes of $|\psi\rangle$ with $(|e_j\rangle - i |e_{j+1}\rangle)/\sqrt{2}$ implies
$$|c_j + i c_{j+1}| = |c_{j} + i c_{j+1} e^{i(\phi_{j+1} - \phi_j)}|.$$
Elementary manipulations of these equations yield the identity
$$c_j^* c_{j+1} (1 - e^{i (\phi_{j+1} - \phi_j)}) = 0.$$
When all of the $c_j$ coefficients are nonzero, this implies that all of the phases $\phi_j$ are equal, which gives $[|\psi'\rangle] = [|\psi\rangle]$, and thus that $(V^{-1} \circ U \circ S)$ acts as the identity on $[|\psi\rangle].$ But the set of vectors $|\psi\rangle$ where all of the coefficients $c_j$ are nonzero is dense in $\mathcal{H}$; by taking limits appropriately, this implies that $(V^{-1} \circ U \circ S)$ acts as the identity on all of $\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{H}).$
We're done! Having shown that there exists a unitary operator $\hat{U}$ and a unitary or anti-unitary operator $\hat{V}$ so that $(V^{-1} \circ U \circ S)$ acts as the identity on $\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{H}),$ we have shown that $\hat{U}^{-1} \hat{V}$ is a unitary or anti-unitary operator on $\mathcal{H}$ whose action is consistent with the action of $S$ on $\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{H}).$
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