I came to physics research through general relativity, where the stress energy tensor plays a very important role, and where it has a single unambiguous meaning as the functional derivative of the theory with respect to metric perturbations. In flat-space quantum field theory, some texts present the stress tensor this way, while some present the stress tensor as a set of Noether currents associated with spatial translations. These definitions are usually presented as being equivalent, or rather, equivalent up to the addition of some total derivative that doesn't affect the physics.
However, this is not actually the case. The two stress tensors differ by terms that can be made to vanish classically, but that have an important effect in the quantum theory. In particular, the Ward identities of the two different stress tensors are different. This has caused me a lot of grief over the years, as I've tried to compare equations between texts that use two different definitions of the stress tensor, and been unable to reconcile the differences. This is compounded by the fact that even in cases where the stress tensor is defined in terms of a functional derivative, it is occasionally defined not by the equation that is usually written
which indicates a functional derivative of the action with respect to an independent metric variation, but rather by a functional derivative with respect to a family of perturbations that act simultaneously on the metric and on the fields, with the coupling being chosen to give the fields some "dimension."
I've found all of these various ideas very confusing to try to understand, so I'm putting this note together to try to discuss, unambiguously, the various objects that people call "stress tensors" in classical and quantum field theory and how they differ from one another.
In section 1, I take up the issue of what it means for a diffeomorphism to act on a field. I review push-forwards of tensor fields under diffeomorphisms, Lie derivatives of tensor fields, and the linear transformations that are sometimes used to supplement push-forwards in theories where doing so gives a symmetry of the Lagrangian.
Section 2 is dedicated to what I will call a functional stress tensor Tab, which is a stress tensor defined by a functional derivative with respect to metric perturbations. I give its definition in both classical and quantum field theories, and in the quantum theory discuss its Ward identities. I also discuss the case of "dimensionful" fields, where the functional derivative is supplemented by some dependence of field configurations on the metric.
In section 3, I discuss the current stress tensor TCab, which is defined for field theories in flat space as the Noether current of translations. I discuss inequivalences between TCab and Tab for quantum field theories.
NOTE: While I was finalizing these notes, a paper appeared on the arXiv that I think deals with some of the same ambiguities that I've tried to handle systematically in this post. In particular, they discuss systematic ways of adding "non-divergence improvement terms" to the current stress tensor to make it match the functional stress tensor; I explain what this means in section 3. I haven't read the paper closely, but it looks like their method involves classifying a large set of ambiguities in the definition of the current stress tensor by generalizing the derivation of Noether's theorem to allow for higher-derivative couplings to the smearing field ρ(x).
Prerequisites: Abstract index notation, as used in general relativity. Differential forms at the level of appendix of Wald's book on general relativity. Path integral formulation of quantum field theory. Lagrangian field theory at the level of my post on Ward identities.
Table of Contents
- How do diffeomorphisms act on fields?
- Functional stress tensors in general backgrounds
- The current stress tensor
1. How do diffeomorphisms act on fields?
(NOTE: Readers comfortable with push-forwards and Lie derivatives on general manifolds can skip to the last two paragraphs of this section.)
For the purposes of this post, all fields in a theory will be tensor fields, i.e., sections of a tensor bundle over a base manifold M. Now, let ψ:M→M be a diffeomorphism of the manifold. There is a natural way that ψ acts on tensor fields, called the push-forward or pull-back. The idea is very simple.
A function f:M→R can be pulled back from a point p to a point ψ−1(p) as
The crucial feature of a pullback is that the function ψ∗f at the point ψ−1(p) depends only on the value of f at ψ(p). For functions, this relationship is rather obvious; we could equivalently write ψ∗f=f∘ψ. But we can extend this idea to more general tensors. If va is a vector field, then we define the push-forward of va at the point ψ(p) by requiring that for all functions f smooth in a neighborhood of ψ(p), the push-forward (ψ∗v)a|ψ(p) satisfies
Since tensors of the form ∇af span the space of dual vectors, this identity completely specifies ψ∗v at ψ(p).
We can play a similar game to define the pullback of a dual vector ωa by
We can iterate this kind of definition to define the push-forward of an arbitrary number of up-indices, and the pull-back of an arbitrary number of down indices. But because ψ is a diffeomorphism, we can define a push-forward of down-indices by pulling back with ψ−1. In this way, the push-forward of a general tensor Sa1…amb1…bn is defined by
We can define a general pullback similarly.
We can use these ideas to define the Lie derivative of a tensor field. In order to define a derivative of a tensor field S (whose indices I have suppressed), we need to be able to compare the value of S at the point p to its value at a nearby point q. But there is no way to do this canonically; tensors at different points in a manifold live in different vector spaces that cannot be identified. One common way to do this comparison is with a covariant derivative ∇a, usually defined with respect to a metric, which lets us compare the value of S at p to the value it would have at p if it were parallelly transported from q. The Lie derivative gives us a different notion of the derivative of a tensor field, comparing tensor fields at different points using push-forwards/pullbacks rather than parallel transport.
Let p be a point in a manifold, S a tensor field in a neighborhood of that point, and ξa a smooth vector field in that neighborhood. Integrating ξa up to parameter ϵ gives a diffeomorphism ψϵ. The Lie derivative of S with respect to ξ is defined by
Heuristically, the Lie derivative says: "look a bit ahead to the point p+ϵξ, take S at that point, pull it back to p, and compare what you get to the actual value of S at p." The Lie derivative will be essential in the next section.
Now, since push-forwards and pullbacks are equivalent under the substitution ψ↦ψ−1, we will henceforth talk only about push-forwards. We have shown that push-forwards provide a natural action of diffeomorphisms on tensor fields But this certainly isn't the only way for diffeomorphisms to act! More generally, for example, we could push-forward a tensor field by the diffeomorphism ψ, then act at each point with a linear transformation Aψ.
Allowing this more general notion of the action of a diffeomorphism is essential for finding symmetries of certain field theories. For example, in D-dimensional Euclidean space, the free scalar theory with action
is not invariant under push-forwards of ϕ by scale transformations ψ(x)=λx except in D=2; however, it is invariant if we also act on ϕ at each point by the linear transformation ϕ↦λ−(D−2)/2ϕ. So while the push-forward scale transformation is not a symmetry of the theory, the push-forward-plus-linear scale transformation is. In the next section, we'll put this point aside and focus solely on infinitesimal trasnformations of fields induced by push-forwards, but we'll take it up again in section 2.3 when we discuss how some non-symmetric local push-forwards can be turned into infinitesimal symmetries by composing them with local transformations of the fields.
2. Functional stress tensors in general backgrounds
Suppose we have a field theory on a manifold
M with metric
gab and Lagrangian
L. As explained in section 1 of
my post on Ward identities, the Lagrangian is best thought of as an
n-form, with
n=dim(M). The Lagrangian depends on a collection of fields
ϕα, which are sections of a vector bundle over
M. This data is enough to define a classical field theory; to define a quantum field theory, we must also specify a path integral measure
In the first subsection, I will define a canonical functional stress tensor in classical field theories and show how it controls how the action responds to local diffeomorphisms. In the second subsection, I will define the canonical functional stress tensor in quantum field theories and discuss its Ward identities. In the final subsection, I will expand my definition of "functional stress tensor" to include functional derivatives with respect to coupled variations between matter fields and the metric.
2.1 Classical field theory
As explained in section 1 of
my post on Ward identities, under any infinitesimal transformation
ϕα(x)↦ϕα(x)+λδϕα(x), the Lagrangian changes as
δL=E(ϕ)αδϕα+dθ.In this expression, E is an n-form that depends only on the background field configuration, called the equation of motion of the theory. The (n−1)-form θ is a functional of both ϕ and δϕ, and is ambiguous up to the addition of an exact form θ↦θ+dα.
There is a fairly special kind of infinitesimal transformation in field theory, which is one induced by pushing forward all fields in the theory by a local diffeomorphism. If ξa is a smooth vector field in a neighborhood of the point x, then the corresponding local push-forward is given by
(The minus sign here might seem out of place; after all, aren't we pushing the field forward? Remember that because we are pushing the field forward, the new value of ϕα at x ought to be coming from the old value of ϕα at x−λξ.)
There is a very useful tool for understanding how an infinitesimal push-forward acts on the Lagrangian L, which is to ask first, "how would this transformation act if I also let it affect the metric?" Remember, the Lagrangian is a local function of the metric as well as the fields ϕα, so we could easily let a field transformation act on the metric if we wanted to. If we were to allow this, then a general perturbation ϕ↦ϕ+λδϕ,g↦g+λδg, would change the Lagrangian as
The terms split in such a nice way — equations of motion and θ terms written for ϕ and g separately — because this expression must be linear in the perturbation, so there can be no terms containing both δϕ and δg.
If we were to transform by a local push-forward, sending ϕ to ϕ−λLξϕ and g to g−λLξg, then the change in the Lagrangian would be
Because L is a top-level form, its exterior derivative vanishes, and we are left with
Note that the Lagrangian changes by an exterior derivative; this is expected, because pushing forward all fields including the metric by a local diffeomorphism is a symmetry of any diffeomorphism-invariant theory.
The reason we did all of this is because it gives us an extraordinarily elegant formula for the transformation of the Lagrangian under a push-forward that only affects ϕα. Setting equations (1) and (2) equal to each other, we obtain
where we have added subscripts ξ to the θ forms to remind ourselves that they depend on our particular choice of variation.
The reason equation (3) is so beautiful is that many of its terms are total derivatives! The only lingering term, −E(g)ab(Lξg)ab, is so special that we will take the rest of this section to study it in detail. Because E(g)ab is a top-level form, it must be proportional to the volume form, and so we can write
The tensor Tab is called the stress-energy tensor of the theory. It is ambiguous up to addition of an antisymmetric term, since the only way it ever shows up in our equations is via contraction into the symmetric tensor (Lξg)ab; to resolve this ambiguity, we will always choose Tab to be symmetric. The factor of 1/2 is a convention which makes our final equations simpler. As a brief comment, recalling that in any system of coordinates ϵ is proportional to √|g|, the expression
is consistent with the coordinate-dependent notation that appears in most sources,
where S=∫ML is the action.
(You'll sometimes also see the expression
These expressions are equivalent; taking the functional derivative with respect to g instead of g−1 introduces a relative minus sign.)
We can now put equation (3) in a slightly more instructive form by writing (Lξg)ab explicitly as −∇aξb−∇bξa, which gives the expression
If ξa is compactly supported, or if it is sufficiently well behaved at infinity, then integrating the ∇a derivative by parts gives
But ϵ∇ava for any vector va is equivalent to d(v⋅ϵ), i.e., it is an exact form. (This is discussed toward the end of section 1 of my post on Ward identities.) Putting all this together, we obtain the identity
Now, we can write the change in the action when ϕ is replaced by ϕ−λLξϕ and g is kept fixed as
If we plug in equation (4) and drop surface terms, then we obtain the identity
This is a beautiful expression! It gives us a very simple formula for how the action of a field theory changes under a local push-forward of the non-metric fields, written only in terms of a single tensor Tab.
Furthermore, because ξa is arbitrary (at least, so long as it doesn't have violent behavior at infinity that stops the surface terms from vanishing), equation (5) implies that ∇aTab vanishes on field configurations satisfying the equations of motion. This is because on field configurations satisfying the equation of motion, the action must be stationary against arbitrary infinitesimal transformations, which means that equation (5) must vanish; this is the statement that the stress-energy tensor is conserved "on-shell," i.e., on field configurations satisfying the equations of motion.
NOTE: The symmetry of the stress tensor was essential in proving that it is conserved on configurations satisfying the equation of motion. Symmetrizing the stress tensor let us write Tab(∇aξb+∇bξa) as 2Tab∇aξb; if we hadn't symmetrized the stress tensor first, equation (4) would be different, and we would have no guarantee that it was conserved. This is good, of course, because there are plenty of non-conserved antisymmetric tensors, so it shouldn't be the case that any possible stress tensor Tab+Hab with H antisymmetric is conserved.
2.2 Quantum field theory
Quantum field theories are determined by the path integral weight, which is the product of the path integral measure and the exponentiated action:
where γ is i in Lorentz signature and (−1) in Riemannian signature. The path integral weight depends both on the matter fields ϕα and on the metric gab. We will assume that the dependence of W on the metric is given by a local integral; that is, under the infinitesimal perturbation gab↦gab+λδgab, we have
In the previous subsection, we were able to derive an equation like this for classical field theories, since we know the change in the action is proportional to the integral of E(g)abδgab. In quantum field theory, the existence of an equation like this one is an additional assumption we must place on the theory, since we cannot prove that the path integral measure also transforms this way. It seems eminently reasonable, though — the path integral measure is supposed to be local in the fields, so what else could we possibly write down? The only additional term I can think of would be a surface term, i.e. a total derivative
We can't rule these out a priori, so we should only really trust equation (6) for metric perturbations that are sufficiently well behaved at infinity. To actually determine what falloff conditions must be imposed on δgab for a putative surface term to vanish, we could proceed by dimensional analysis — Pabc ought to be constructed locally from the fields and their derivatives, so one could estimate its slowest possible falloff at infinity from its index structure and from the falloff conditions imposed on the field configurations, and from this determine what falloff conditions must be imposed on metric perturbations. For most of the rest of this post, we'll be considering compactly supported metric perturbations, so the issue of surface terms won't arise at all; I mention it only because I think there are some cases where it might actually be important to think about.
If there exists a symmetric tensor satisfying equation (6), it is called the quantum stress tensor of the theory. It is important to note that in general, the tensor Tab defined by equation (6) will be different from the classical stress tensor of the theory. The two expressions agree only if the path integral measure is completely insensitive to arbitrary compact metric perturbations.
Now we use the same trick as in the previous subsection, which is to ask: how would W change if I made the simultaneous substitution g↦g−λLξg, ϕ↦ϕ−λLξϕ? Let's fix ξa to be compactly supported for concreteness. If our quantum field theory is diffeomorphism covariant — as it certainly should be, unless we want the laws of physics to depend on the coordinate system we use to write them down — then the path integral weight must be unchanged under this substitution:
So if we leave g fixed and only vary ϕ by a local diffeomorphism, then the path integral weight should change by
This is the fundamental equation controlling how the quantum field theory responds to local push-forwards of the fields. Since ξa is compactly supported, we can integrate by parts to obtain
Finally, we give the Ward identity that explains how the stress tensor behaves within correlation functions. The correlation function
can be written after a change of variables in the path integral as
The linear-in-λ terms are, collectively,
Since the linear terms must sum to zero, we obtain the integrated Ward identity
Or, if you prefer,
In particular, if ξ is supported away from the insertion points x1,…,xn, then the right-hand side of this equation vanishes, which is the statement that correlation functions including ∇aTab(x) vanish unless other operators are inserted at the point x.
The Ward identity written in equation (8) can be recast in the usual "distributional" form by noting that the Lie derivative of a tensor (Lξϕ)α can always be related to its covariant derivative by an expression like
Mαab is linear in the field. (This can be seen, for example, from the general formula for a Lie derivative given in equation C.2.14 of
Wald's book.) In particular, this implies that if
ρ(x) is a smooth function, then we have
So if, say, we let ρ be a function supported in a neighborhood of x1 that does not intersect any other point xj, then we may write
Heuristically, this can be written distributionally as
though in this expression I haven't been very careful about volume factors in the delta functions; I claim there is some definition of the curved-space delta function for which this is the right expression!
2.3 Comments on dimensionful fields
I commented in the previous subsection that the Lie derivative of a tensor field ϕα can always be written in terms of its covariant derivative as
for some tensor field Mαab. If Mαab is nonzero, then ϕα is said to have some dimension, which so far is really just the statement that ϕα is not a scalar field. Often the details of Mαab are broken down further to make more specific comments about the dimension — for example, if Mαab has an antisymmetric part, Mα[ab]≠0, then the field is said to have nonzero spin, because in this case Mαab∇aξb is nonzero for ξ a field generating flat space rotations. If Mαabgab is nonzero then the field is said to have a nonzero scaling dimension.
There's an additional subtlety we have to keep in mind when discussing field dimensions, however, which is that it is sometimes convenient to think of a field as having a dimension that is different from that associated with the tensor Mαab. What this means in practice is fixing a tensor Nαab that is locally constructed from the fields, and declaring that you want to study how the theory responds to the family of perturbations given by
I think it's wrong to call the dimension specified by Nαab≠Mαab an intrinsic property of the field, which is the philosophical point of view often taken in textbooks. I find it more instructive to say that we can pick any tensor Nαab that we like and call it a dimension assignment or a choice of dimension for ϕα, and study how the theory responds to the associated family of perturbations. This is sometimes useful because, as in the example of the D>2 scalar field given in section 1, there are field theories where choosing to work with equation (10) instead of equation (9) gives an enhanced set of vector fields ξa whose associated variations of symmetries of the theory; for example, a judicious choice of Nαab makes the field variation associated to scale transformations a symmetry of the free scalar in any dimension.
The one problem with choosing to study a dimension other than the standard Lie-derivative dimension is that it undermines the work we did in the previous two subsections to define the functional stress energy tensor. The functional stress energy tensor is useful in quantum field theories because, via equation (9), its correlation functions tell us how the theory responds to Lie derivatives of arbitrary compactly supported diffeomorphisms. But if we've decided that the field transformations we're interested in aren't Lie derivatives but some more general set given by equation (10), then this equation isn't so useful.
For this reason, when you choose to study non-Lie-derivative families of field transformations, it is very common to also change the definition of the stress energy tensor to match the family of transformations that interests you. The stress energy tensor is now defined not by equation (6), which expresses how the path integral weight changes under a variation of the metric, but by a generalized equation which expresses how the path integral weight changes under a particular coupled variation of the metric and the fields. In particular, for any metric variation δgab, we declare that we are interested in how the path integral responds to the total variation
This will induce a corresponding change in the path integral weight, and we declare the stress tensor to be given by the formula
Now, recall that for a compactly supported vector field ξa, the path integral weight is invariant under the transformation g↦g−λLξg, ϕ↦ϕ−λLξϕ. We can think of this as two independent transformations that are applied simultaneously, one being given by
and the other being given by
The second transformation is just the family δξ associated with our chosen field dimension Nαab. Since the combined transformation leaves the path integral weight unchanged, the response of the path integral weight to the second transformation must be the negative of the response of the path integral weight to the first transformation. I.e., we have
In terms of the stress tensor defined by equation (11), this gives us
This is just like equation (7), but for a different family of field variations, and a different definition of the stress tensor. All the Ward identities hold with the new stress tensor and the new family of field variations.
The takeaway of all this is that functional derivatives with respect to the metric give us a way of defining stress tensors, but it isn't always most useful to study the stress tensor defined by the independent functional derivative with respect to the metric. Depending on the problem we wish to solve, we might instead define the stress tensor by equation (11), and study the properties of the resulting operator.
Additionally, while I explained field dimensions in this subsection only in the context of quantum field theories, it should be clear how all these results work in classical field theories — we just remove the path integral weight from all expressions, and end up producing an equation like (5) instead of one like (7).
3. The current stress tensor
Since I was fairly careful in the last section about distinguishing between classical and quantum stress tensors, and since the considerations for understanding the differences between them are the same for Tab as for TCab, I will focus in this section on quantum field theories.
Suppose we have a quantum field theory defined in flat space, with flat coordinates x1,…,xD. It is assumed that the response of the path integral to field variations is local, meaning that for a field variation ϕα↦ϕα−λδϕα we have
for some tensor Pα locally constructed from the fields. As always, this should only hold for field variations that are well-enough behaved at infinity that potential surface terms can be neglected.
If the fields ϕα are varied by the perturbation
for some fixed coordinate ν, then the path integral measure changes as
Translation in the ν direction is said to be a local symmetry of the theory if the corresponding change in the path integral weight is the integral of a total derivative. I.e., it is a local symmetry of the theory if we have
for some vector TCμν. (Remember, for the moment this is a vector, because ν is fixed, so only μ ranges over the coordinates.) By repeating this process for all values of ν, we get a full list of numbers TCμν that is called a current stress tensor of the theory. For the moment there are some ambiguities in the definition of TCμν; it can be modified by a term whose divergence is zero without affecting any of the equations we've written so far.
We now ask, as is traditional in derivations of Noether's theorem: what if we smear out our symmetry? That is, what if we pick a smooth function ρ(x) and consider the field variation
So long as ρ(x) is sufficiently well behaved at infinity — in particular, if it is compactly supported — we have
Plugging in equation (13), we obtain the formula
Since any vector field on flat space can be written as a linear combination of the coordinate vector fields, equation (14) gives us a formula for how the theory responds to an arbitrary (well-behaved-at-infinity) local diffeomorphism. This formula is
This looks just like equation (12) from the previous section, or a partially-integrated version thereof, but with one important difference: the field transformations δξ are different.
To be precise, we will denote by δξ,F the field transformation
where Nαμν is some tensor controlling the dimensions of the fields. We will denote by δξ,C the field transformation
The fundamental difference between the current stress tensor and the functional stress tensor is that they satisfy
In these expressions and henceforth, I have added the superscript "F" to the functional stress tensor to make it clearly distinct from TCμν. Because the transformations δξ,F and δξ,C are different for dimensionful fields, the functional and current stress tensors of these fields are different.
Often, people say that the current stress tensor
TCμν is ambiguous up to the addition of "improvement terms." In particular, one can add to
TCμν a term whose
μ-divergence vanishes identically on all field configurations. As I mentioned in
section 1 of my post on Ward identities, it was proven by Wald that if a tensor locally constructed from the fields has vanishing divergence on all field configurations, then it is itself a total divergence. I.e., the only terms we can add to
TCμν without affecting equation (16) are of the form
where jρμν is locally constructed from the fields and antisymmetric in the first two indices. Terms like this are often added to the classical current stress tensor, for example, to make it symmetric or, in the case of conformally invariant field theories, traceless.
However, because the addition of such terms does not affect equation (16), there is no "total-divergence" improvement term that can make TCμν equal to TFμν at the quantum level for dimensionful fields. While it may be possible to do this at the classical level, i.e., to make TCμν and TFμν agree on field configurations that satisfy the equations of motion, when equations (15) and (16) are different, the Ward identities of TCμν and TFμν will always be different no matter what total-divergence improvement term is added to TCμν.
As an example, think for a moment about two-dimensional Euclidean quantum field theory in flat space. Suppose that ϕα is a field that transforms under the rotation
for some antisymmetric matrix s. Suppose further that this transformation is a symmetry of the theory. The Ward identities for n-point functions of ϕ for the two different stress tensors can be written as
Because the total field transformation is a symmetry of the theory, the right-hand side of (17) must vanish. This gives us the identities
Since ξμ is a rotation, we have ∂μξν=ϵμν. Plugging this in, we obtain
So TF12−TF21 has no contact terms in correlation functions, meaning the tensor TFμν is identically symmetric, i.e., symmetric on all field configurations. By contrast, the operator TC12−TC21 does have contact terms in correlation functions, meaning that even if some total-divergence improvement term ∂ρjρμν is chosen to make TCμν symmetric classically, i.e., on field configurations satisfying the equations of motion, it will not be identically zero as a quantum object. (Unless, by some miracle, the transformation δϕα=−sαβϕα is itself a symmetry of the theory, in addition to the full symmetry δϕα=−ξμ∂μϕα−sαβϕα.)
Incidentally, the same issue arises in conformal field theory, where TFμν is identically traceless while the trace of TCμν has contact terms given by the scaling dimensions of operators.
Supposedly, there is a way to add terms to
TCμν to make it equal to
TFμν in a general quantum field theory, at least one with enough symmetry, but these terms cannot be total-divergence improvement terms. They must instead be tensors locally constructed from the fields whose divergence vanishes on classical configurations so as to preserve the operator equation
∂μTCμν=0, but not on all field configurations so as to allow the Ward identity (16) to be modified into the Ward identity (15). Some systematics on constructing these "non-divergence" improvement terms are discussed in
the paper by Kourkoulou, Nicolis, and Sun that I mentioned in the introduction.
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